All About Origami S.yu.afonkin E.yu Afonkina
Reviewed at the meeting departments ______________________ _____________________________ Protocol From "____" ______ 2013 No. ____ Head of Department _______________/______________ | Agreed: NMR Curator _____________________________ Once again proved that the time of long practice and preparation was useful in any case. The children received a lot of applause and enjoyed their success, noticeably proud. In addition, the guests considered the school's sponsorship club to be generous donations. For this and for the active support of many assistants who have made a significant contribution to the success of the celebration, Director Wolfram Sillmann, on behalf of the college, thanks again very warmly. Training party at the school in Metzenberg. In the school community, after schooling, 29 excited students in the Relshausen parish hall. There, some third-grade students made clear what it means to be a schoolboy. It was a story told by director Wolfram Sillmann from a lion who wanted to write but couldn't. Finally, curious first-year students visited their teachers, Gabriele Kähl and Gabriele Stroining, in their future classes, where they finally received the long-awaited Zuckertten. The official part of the day came to an end with instructional photographs in the schoolyard. _____________________________ | Approved by order from "____" _______ 2013 Director MBOU secondary school No. 70 O.R. Prokopenko |
Working programm
Extracurricular Activities - The Origami Magical World
Basic form "Square"
To start school and a new period of life, all freshmen thus once again wished good luck. Teachers and students in Shreksbach are equally looking forward to using computers in the classroom spontaneously, in groups or on the periphery. Mr. Sillmann once again thanked the Förderderneyn. At the same time, he emphasized that the school could not implement its media project, which is being implemented from its own resources.
Thanking Mr. Simon for the friendly welcome at the school in Metzenberg, the solemn transfer of the laptop to the school was completed. School festival in Metzenberg. The school community gathered at the end of the festival again in the schoolyard, where the school principal Wolfram Sillmann awarded trophies to the school winners of this year's federal youth games. Malin Khan and Ben Battenberg were very proud of her. In addition, 10 other children were happy with the special prizes that were determined by the lottery. A very energetic dance class 3a completed a wonderful community experience.
for 4 -Xgrades
Compiled and adapted
head of continuing education
Irgasheva E.Yu.
Lipetsk - 2014
Explanatory note.
Explanatory note.
purposeprograms - Formation of artistic and creative abilities through the provision of emotional - figurative perception of reality, the development of aesthetic feelings and ideas, imaginative thinking and imagination.
organize practical creative activities of students, predict possible situations and get the desired result;
All those who helped, helped and donated to the success of the school festival here express gratitude! Without their dedicated help, it would be impossible to receive this happy event for the children. All the children wandered to the house with Mrs. Michelle and Mrs. Goldmann, we were allowed to look at it from the inside. There was also a meeting place with counties. Our classes were divided into small groups to explore the forest. Foresters explained the various types of leaves and trees. We also talked about different types of grass. Forest workers marked trees for transport.
Production of volumetric figures
After our tour on the edge of forest sausages and drinks. He had a structure where you could look at animals. Mr. Finger explained to us all the animals. Each child was given the book "Small Forest Ground" at the end. Third place in the world championships in athletics. There were 4 large and 8 small elementary schools fighting for titles. Due to the urgent temperatures, we started a 6-minute race where we needed as many meters as possible. This paid for the preparation for the mini marathon, because we provided an excellent basis for the following disciplines.
To develop imaginative technical thinking and the ability to express one's intention in crafts, to develop analytical abilities, memory, attention, will, eye, spatial imagination, fine motor skills of hands, figurative and logical thinking, artistic taste of students;
To cultivate diligence, patience, accuracy, perseverance, purposefulness, criticality, aesthetic taste, a sense of satisfaction from teamwork, a sense of mutual assistance and collectivism, independence in work;
The next step was a long jump. The children jumped very well and very far, and again we finished in first place in small elementary schools. We also achieved great results in the adjacent throwing station, which allowed us to further expand our good starting position. The girls and boys of Metzenberg again accelerated in relay disciplines. In the obstacle we went through the second track for the second time. We also worked very quickly on the suburban relay race, where we had to sprint and overcome the obstacle.
Unfortunately, relay wood transmission did not always work. Twice we lost the forest, which cost us a lot of time. We graduated from this discipline as the penultimate elementary school, so we had to abandon our leading position, and as a result, it was only in third place in the overall standings.
The relevance of this program
The new living conditions in which modern students who are entering into life are put forward put forward their demands:
to be thinking, proactive, independent, to develop their own new original solutions;
Focus on the best end results.
These requirements are relevant for school graduates.
The implementation of these requirements requires a person with creative abilities.
Characterizing the relevance of the topic, we see that the problem of creativity is of particular importance; abilities of children, the development of which is a kind of guarantee of the socialization of the personality of the child in society.
Among the variety of types of creative activity, design occupies one of the leading positions. This type of activity is associated with the emotional side of a person's life; it reflects the features of a person's perception of the world around him: nature, social life, as well as features of the development of imagination.
Municipal budgetary educational institution
School in Metzenberg: fathers and school leaders made planks and posts for the school fence.
A school in Metzenberg organizes the first cross country run. At the end of May, the first run in our school took place in fine weather. The class had a course of 800 m, and finally he personally handed over to the Mayor Andreas Schultes the documents and medals together with the director Wolfram Sillmann. Special thanks to Karen Goldmann, who actively prepared children in the field of physical education, and to Jan Kapaun, who initiated this run and donated medals.
Justification for the selection of content and general logic in establishing its sequence
Extracurricular activities are carried out in forms other than classroom instruction and are aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education (under the conditions of the introduction of FSES).
Both of them made a lot of efforts in anticipation of the meeting and met with the director to make various preparations. The school at Metzenberg successfully passed in a mini-marathon in Kassel. With great expectation and with great excitement, our children, accompanied by equally tense parents and grandparents, climbed into a chartered bus and arrived in Kassel in the sunlight. The crowd at the start was large and led to smaller accidents. However, all the children of the school in Metzenberg achieved their goal and were allowed to enter the final round in Auestadion.
Ensuring the modern quality of education is the strategic goal of modernizing the system of general education and additional education as well. The educational program "The Magic World of Origami" (modular origami) is modified, the content of which is developed on the basis of a typical state program for extracurricular institutions.
Of the 105 registered schools, we finished in 32nd place in the first third, which is a significant achievement. We congratulate all children on these special achievements. He emphasized that the school cannot carry out this project to ensure safety and strengthen children in the sports field from their own resources. The ceremonial handing over of the school security fence to school came to an end thanks to the complimentary words of Mr. Mayor Andreas Schulteh for the excellent and smooth cooperation between the school and the community.
Thanks for the support! March was again in the afternoon: this year's primary school swimming championships were held in Mellungen, in which 17 teams from Schwalm-Eder-Kreis participated. And the school in Metzenberg was again part of the party! The competition day began with 25-meter sprints, which students had to complete one by one using the technique of a chest or caterpillar. Here, our children immediately began a great start and, therefore, a good starting position for other disciplines. Immediately after that, we continued swimming.
This program can be used in extracurricular activities with students, in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standards of the second generation.
This program is designed for 1 year of education for children, education for children 9-11 years old.
Origami classes, from the point of view of psychology, are emotionally unloading, they serve as an incentive for the intellectual and aesthetic development of students. The only working material in origami is paper. Paper is the most affordable and cheapest material for creativity. A child gets to know her sooner than with any other material. The paper is familiar, easily amenable to any changes.
To do this, the children had to move forward without moving on the surface of the water for as long as possible after the start of the jump. Unfortunately, we trained this exercise without starting a jump, which negatively affected the achieved widths. Object immersion consisted of transporting 20 rings as quickly as possible from the bottom of the pool to the surface of the water in the supplied bucket. It was exciting at the end, as in the season not only freestyle was reeds, but also in the water. Balls and swimming boards. Again, the horror books showed full commitment, so viewing was a real pleasure.
Occupation of origami does not require special devices, equipped workplace. Therefore, everyone can put origami figures everywhere, in any situation. After all, only hands and a sheet of paper are needed. Origami is able to influence the emotional sphere of a person. This is especially important for those who have various communication problems, who are shy or, conversely, overly aggressive. Origami is an ideal didactic game that develops imagination and ingenuity, logic and spatial thinking, imagination and intelligence.
Of the 17 participating teams, some schools have a swimming pool right outside the door and, therefore, completely different conditions for preparing for this competition. In these conditions, all participants were very pleased with their result. This was the best result we have ever achieved at this event. The following students participated in the great work of our team: Lisa Ammermann, Emma Battenberg, Carlo Breves, Andreas Idt, Michelle Juppe, Anna Krau, Marcel Nun and Marie Schubert.
The school in Metzenberg convinces the Völkerbola elementary school tournament. The first game against Remenfurt of our students was still very cautious. Nervous nervousness was felt. However, the first victory brought great security, so the second game against Melsungen was successful. After a narrow defeat against Frielendorf, two more victories against Grifte and Niederenstein could be canceled. With a group victory, only deceived by the goal difference, we moved to the second place in the final. Here we were talking about places with four to six and hard.
General characteristics of extracurricular educational activities, methods, forms of work, means
The educational process includes various teaching methods:
- reproductive (reproducing);
- explanatory - illustrative (the explanation is accompanied by a demonstration of visual material);
- the method of problem presentation (the teacher poses a problem and together with the children is looking for ways to solve it);
- partially - search.
Our students again showed full commitment. After losing to Bad Zwesten, he set off for reserves. Our girls and boys were able to drive their opponents and get another victory. As in the preliminary round, the goal difference was decided in the battle for places from four to six. The tension at the award ceremony was great, and the joy of the last fourth place was enormous. So successfully fought for the school in Metzenberg: Luis Schäfer, Michelle Kapaun, Max Lange, Rebecca Merle, Joel Heya, Luca Wettengle, Andreas Idt, Carlo Breves, Michelle Juppe, Calf Eilen, Carlotta Merle.
Each lesson includes a theoretical part and a practical task. Theoretical information is an explanation of the new material, information of a cognitive nature, general information about the subject of manufacture. Practical work includes the manufacture, design of crafts, a report on the work done, which allows you to teach the child consistency in work, to develop self-control skills.
At first we waited in the office of the mayor. Then we were allowed to come to his office. Then we went to the basement and looked at the technical room. There is a cabinet with many cables and switches. There are large shelves with lots of old files. The other room has a spare office. Then there is another room, where again there are large shelves. There are handles on it, and when you turn it, the shelves move. Then we went upstairs. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to ride the stairs.
Here we were in a wedding room where you can get married. We resumed the wedding. Luke and Emilia were a wedding couple, and Eileen and I were witnesses. Now we have a question and answer with the mayor. Unfortunately, we had to return to school. After a week of training in traffic signs, main roads and driving Homberg police taxis that were brought or allowed for traffic, the children had a lot of fun and fun spending time and walking through the school routine in the hall. Mr. Matthias and Mr. Khan taught 4th grade many of the important rules that they are required to follow and respect road traffic.
Students acquire the necessary basic knowledge in life, skills and abilities of working with paper in the origami technique. In the process of training, accumulating practical experience in the manufacture of toys, students from simple products gradually move to the development of complex ones, from changing some parts of the toy to modeling and designing new toys, thematic compositions.
Introducing Modular Origami
At the end of the week, all students successfully passed the bike test. Christmas party at the school in Metzenberg. "Then Advent" - with this song the choir opened a school Christmas party in a festively designed multi-purpose hall. In addition, this year, students who were very excited about the large audience presented a partially contemplative and partially stimulating program. With great commitment and pride, the children showed the results of weekly games in the fields of singing, flute, dance and theater.
The poem "Christmas Hit Parade" and the play "Christmas Story" inspired the viewer, while the theatrical passages "Mother Bakers" and "Snowman and Santa Claus" made the audience smile. We wish you all a good start to the new school year!
The program is based on such didactic principles as accessibility, reliability, repeatability and practicality.
Almost all classes are built according to one plan. Each lesson uses additional material: poems, puzzles, information about animals, birds, insects, etc. All classes are combined into several topics (birds, animals, dolls, New Year's toys, fairy-tale characters, etc.).
Rough plan
1. Preparation for the lesson (installation at work, pay attention to
tools and materials lying on the desk).
2. Repetition of the passed (identification of supporting knowledge and ideas):
repetition of the name of the basic form (module, types of modules);
repetition of actions of the last lesson;
repetition of the rules for using scissors, glue, technical rules
3. Introduction to the new topic:
riddles, poems, revealing the theme of the lesson; encyclopedic information about the subject of the lesson (stories about the life of animals, birds, insects; interesting stories, etc.);
sample display;
examination of the sample, analysis (names; form of the main part; additional parts, their pairedness and location with respect to the main one; method of connecting parts; finishing the finished figure);
repetition of safety regulations.
4. The practical part:
Teacher showing the process of making crafts (work according to the scheme, technological map - depending on the level of training and the formation of skills);
students verbalization of certain stages of work (transcript
Schemes: "What am I doing here?");
text plan (if the craft consists of several parts);
independent production by children of the product according to the text plan, the technological map;
Design, decoration of the toy, gluing it to the background or to the composition;
analysis of the student's work (accuracy, correctness and sequence of execution, rational organization of working time, compliance with safety regulations, creativity, originality, aesthetics).
The educational and thematic plan.
1 year of study.
Target: Ethe development of elementary schoolchildren through the development of elementary skills in initial technical modeling.
- introducing children to basic geometric concepts and basic
forms of origami;
- development of attention, memory, logical and abstract thinking,
spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the hands, eye, the development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children;
Raising interest in the art of origami, expanding the communication skills of children;
Number of hours | Including | ||||
Practice | notes | ||||
Introductory lesson | |||||
Paper mosaic | |||||
Introducing Origami | |||||
Basic form "Square" | |||||
Introducing Modular Origami | |||||
Manufacture flat figures from modules | |||||
Production of volumetric figures from modules | |||||
Introductory lesson.
Theory: Acquaintance, rallying the children's team, instructing TB in the classroom, presentation.
Paper mosaic.
Theory: Paper plastic. Acquaintance with the concept of application, advantages and disadvantages of such material as paper, presentations.
Practice: Work on a template, cutting and composing a composition of simple geometric shapes: "Gift to mom", "Glade".
Acquaintance with origami.
Theory: Origami History. Mastering elementary paper folding skills through the art of origami, excursion.
The basic form is "Square".
Theory: Acquaintance with the geometric figure "Square", with the concept of folding "Direct", "Diagonal"
Practice: Folding the simplest figures "Frog", "Eagle Owl", "Sailboat", "Crow", etc.
Familiarity with modular origami.
Theory: Acquaintance with the concept of a module, the ability to connect modules, presentation.
Practice: Production of modules, connectivity options "Direct", "Inverted", "One-way".
Making flat shapes.
Practice: Production of modules for creating flat figures "Double photo frame", "Butterfly"
Production of volumetric figures.
Practice: Production of modules for creating three-dimensional figures "Strawberry", "Vase", "Swan".
Thematic plan
(See Attachment)
The planned educational results of students
As a result of training under this program, students:
learn various techniques for working with paper.
will know the basic geometric concepts and basic forms of origami.
will create compositions with products made using the origami technique.
develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination;
fine motor skills of the hands and eye; artistic taste, creative
abilities and imagination.
get to know the art of origami.
master the skills of a work culture.
improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.
Summary Forms
Compilation of an album of the best works.
Holding exhibitions of students' works:
- in class,
- at school,
Participation in the exhibition of children's applied and technical creativity.
Methods and forms of assessment of educational results of students
I. Knowledge of basic geometric concepts and basic origami shapes
1 year of study - the ability to make a square from a rectangular sheet of paper (2 ways), the ability to make the simplest basic forms of origami: "triangle", "kite", "envelope".
II. The ability to learn to follow verbal instructions, read and sketch product diagrams; create origami products using instruction cards and diagrams
1 year of study - the ability to make a product, following the teacher's showing and listening to oral explanations, the ability to make a product according to the instruction card.
- High level - do it yourself,
- Intermediate level - does with the help of a teacher or comrades,
- Low - can't do it.
III. Creating compositions with products made in the origami technique; development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination; creative approach to doing work
- High level - the work is distinguished by a pronounced personality;
- Intermediate level - the work is performed according to the model, correspond to the general level of the group;
- Low level - work performed at an insufficient level.
IV . Formation of work culture and improvement of labor skills
Skills evaluated:
- organize your workplace,
- rationally use the necessary materials,
- accuracy of work.
Summing up is carried out in the form of compilation of albums of finished crafts, clamshell books with photographs of works, exhibitions, participation in competitions of children's art at the municipal, regional levels.
Dolzhenko G.I. 100 origami. Yaroslavl, "Development Academy", 1999
Toys made of paper. About 100 models simple and complex for children and adults. St. Petersburg, Delta, 1996
3. Lind H. Paper mosaic. M, Iris - Press, 2007
4. Prosnyakova T. N. Funny figures. M, AST-PRESS BOOK, 2010
5. Internet site
Explanatory note
The program of continuing education "The Origami Magic World" is a culturally modified program of an artistic and aesthetic orientation, created on the basis of the results of many years of teaching preschoolers and students the basics of origami art.
Origami classes allow children to satisfy their cognitive interests, expand awareness in this educational field, enrich communication skills and acquire the ability to carry out joint activities in the process of mastering the program.
The pedagogical expediency of this course is that it contributes to the realization of the knowledge acquired by children in school, promotes early self-determination, makes it possible to fully live childhood, realizing oneself and solving socially significant problems.
In contrast to the existing programs designed for teaching preschool children (authors - Pudova V.P., Bogateeva Z.A.), and programs for one-year education of origami at school (author - Afonkin S.Yu.), the program I developed is designed for a full course of education for children in primary school. The program includes not only origami training, but also the creation of individual and collective subject-themed compositions that use products made in the origami technique.
The program includes the creation of game situations that expand the communicative abilities of children. Also, during origami classes, I use recordings of wildlife and music to relieve children's excessive excitability and create a relaxed and creative atmosphere. As a result of this, the psycho-motor processes are aligned in children, their behavior changes, and personal relationships improve.
The relevance of this course is dictated by experience in elementary grades, where it is especially important for children to develop fine motor skills, eye measurement, concentration of attention, and the ability to follow oral instructions, which implies training under this program. The program gives the child the opportunity to really, independently discover the magical world of a sheet of paper, turn it into objects of animate and inanimate nature, household items; to comprehend the structure, properties, enjoy the palette of colors, a combination of various combinations, thus activating the imagination, imagination and developing artistic taste.
How to help a child take advantage of his free time, to give the opportunity to open himself most fully? How to create conditions for the dynamics of creative growth and support the child's inquisitive desire to know the world in all its bright colors and manifestations? It is these issues that the program I developed will help to solve.
Program goal
Origami classes are aimed at the comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of younger students and increase the effectiveness of their education in high school.
Program objectives
Familiarization of children with basic geometric concepts and basic forms of origami.
The formation of the ability to follow verbal instructions, read and sketch product diagrams.
Training in various methods of working with paper.
The use of knowledge gained in the lessons of natural history, labor, drawing and others, to create compositions with products made in the origami technique.
The development of attention, memory, logical and abstract thinking, spatial imagination.
The development of fine motor skills of the hands and eye.
The development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.
Raising interest in origami art.
Enhancing the communication skills of children.
Formation of work culture and improvement of labor skills.
Organizational principles (age of children, terms of program implementation, recruitment conditions, class schedule, occupancy of groups)
The program "The Magic World of Origami" is addressed to primary school students and is designed for 4 years - a full course of education for children in primary school.
Given the age of the children and the novelty of the material, for the successful development of the program, classes in the group should be combined with the individual help of the teacher for each child. Practice has shown that the optimal number of children in a group should be no more than 15 people.
learning | Number of hours | ||
Forms and teaching methods
In the process of classes, various forms of classes are used:
traditional, combined and practical exercises; lectures, games, contests, competitions and others.
As well as various methods.
Methods that are based on the way to organize classes:
Verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, lecture, etc.)
Visual (showing video and multimedia materials, illustrations, observation, showing (performance) by a teacher, working on a model, etc.)
Practical (work on instruction cards, diagrams, etc.)
Methods based on the level of activity of children:
Explanatory and illustrative - children perceive and absorb ready-made information
Reproductive - students reproduce the acquired knowledge and acquired methods of activity
Partial-search - the participation of children in a collective search, the solution of the task together with the teacher
Research - independent creative work of students
Methods based on the form of organization of students in the classroom:
Frontal - simultaneous work with all students
Individual frontal - alternating individual and frontal forms of work
Group - organization of work in groups.
Individual - individual tasks, problem solving.
Expected results
As a result of training under this program, students should possess certain knowledge, and the following skills should be formed in children, namely:
- ability to work with paper;
- possession of geometric concepts and basic forms of origami;
- the ability to create compositions with products made in the technique of origami;
- Possession of the skills of work culture, team work.
Ability to use hand tools correctly; comply with safety regulations.
Forms for summing up the implementation of an additional educational program
Holding exhibitions of students' works:
Curriculum-thematic plan
1 year of study
№ p / p | Lesson topic | Number of hours | Form | ||
theory | practice | total | |||
Introductory lesson. Origami is the art of folding paper. Presentation | |||||
Simple basic forms. Presentation. | workshop | ||||
Symbols accepted in origami. Presentation. | |||||
A square is the basis of any product | workshop | ||||
Simple paper products | workshop | ||||
The basic form of "Triangle". Dog. Irises. Chanterelle. | workshop | ||||
The basic form of "Kite". Tulip leaf. Star. Swan. | workshop | ||||
Basic Double Triangle Shape | workshop | ||||
The basic Double Square shape. Tulip. Water bomb. Lily. | workshop | ||||
The basic form of "Damn." Basket. Box. | workshop | ||||
The basic form of "Fish". Fur seal | workshop | ||||
Simple modules. The sun. Flower-seven-flower. | workshop | ||||
The basic form of "Catamaran". Mood mask | workshop | ||||
Products from simple modules | workshop | ||||
The final lesson. What have we learned. | Student Exhibition | ||||
Curriculum-thematic plan
2 year of study
№ p / p | Lesson topic | Number of hours | Form | ||
theory | practice | total | |||
Introductory lesson. What do we know about origami. | |||||
We repeat simple basic forms. | workshop | ||||
Holiday napkins. Lily. Cock tail. Water lily. | workshop | ||||
Complex basic forms | presentation, workshop | ||||
The basic form of "Bird". Crane. | workshop | ||||
The basic form is "Frog." Inflatable frog Bell. | workshop | ||||
The basic shape is "Pentagon". Cyclamen. | workshop | ||||
The basic shape is Hexagon. Bindweed. | workshop | ||||
The basic form is an "equilateral triangle." Irises. Lily. | workshop | ||||
Origam mosaic. Parrot. | workshop | ||||
Origami from circles | workshop | ||||
Kusudamy. | presentation | ||||
Classical Kusudama | workshop | ||||
Flower Kusudama. | workshop | ||||
Kusudama "Lily" | workshop | ||||
Kusudama "Curl" | workshop | ||||
The final lesson. Exhibition presentation of student work | |||||
Curriculum-thematic plan
3 year of study
№ p / p | Lesson topic | Number of hours | Form | ||
theory | practice | total | |||
Introductory lesson. Modular origami. Presentation | presentation | ||||
The basis of the "triangle". | workshop | ||||
Cooking modules "triangle" | workshop | ||||
workshop | |||||
Orange. | workshop | ||||
workshop | |||||
workshop | |||||
Strawberry. | workshop | ||||
Team work "Tea set" | workshop | ||||
workshop | |||||
Teamwork "Cake" | workshop | ||||
workshop | |||||
Blooming cactus | workshop | ||||
Dragonflies. | workshop | ||||
Tulips | workshop | ||||
workshop | |||||
workshop | |||||
Snowdrops. | workshop | ||||
Student Exhibition | |||||
workshop |
Curriculum-thematic plan
4 year of study
№ p / p | Lesson topic | Number of hours | Form | ||
theory | practice | total | |||
Introductory lesson. Modular origami. The basis of the "triangle". Presentation | presentation | ||||
We are preparing the modules "triangle". | workshop | ||||
workshop | |||||
Teamwork "Samovar". | workshop | ||||
workshop | |||||
Little dragon. | workshop | ||||
Red chinese dragons | workshop | ||||
Pink elephant | workshop | ||||
Teamwork "Rainbow Swan" | workshop | ||||
workshop | |||||
workshop | |||||
Teamwork "Snowman". | workshop | ||||
Santa Claus | workshop | ||||
Snow Maiden. | workshop | ||||
Water lily. | workshop | ||||
Basket. | workshop | ||||
workshop | |||||
Student Exhibition | |||||
1 year of study (66 hours)
Introductory lesson. Origami is the art of folding paper. (1 hour)
Familiarity with the history of origami (presentation). Rules of conduct in the classroom origami.
Basic basic forms(5 o'clock)
The concept of "basic forms" (presentation). Rules for using materials and tools. Origami terms.
Workshops: folding basic forms.
Symbols accepted in origami. (1 hour)
Familiarity with the conventions (presentation).
Square - basis of any product. (4 hours)
Making a square from a rectangular sheet of paper. Harvesting squares for future products.
Simple paper products. (5 o'clock)
To fix folding of the basic basic forms.
Workshops: folding simple models. Drawing up applications from individual parts. Making bookmarks for books.
The basic form of "Triangle". Dog. Irises. Chanterelle.(6 o'clock)
Workshops: folding products of the basic Triangle shape
The basic form of "Kite". Tulip leaf. Star. Swan.(6 o'clock)
Workshops: folding the products of the basic form "Kite"
Basic Double Triangle Shape . (6 o'clock)
Workshops: folding the products of the basic form "Double Triangle"
The basic Double Square shape. Tulip. Water bomb. Frog . (6 o'clock)
Workshops: folding products of the basic Double Square shape
The basic form of "Damn." Basket. Box.(5 o'clock)
Workshops: folding the products of the basic pancake form
The basic form of "Fish". Fur seal . (3 hours)
Workshops: folding products of the basic form "Fish"
Simple modules. The sun. Flower-seven-flower. (5 o'clock)
Workshops: folding products from simple modules
The basic form of "Catamaran". Mood mask . (5 o'clock)
Workshops: folding products of the basic form "Catamaran"
Products from simple modules . (6 o'clock)
Workshops: manufacture of modules. Drawing up the panel "Lilac", "Brush of grapes" from the modules. Modular mosaic
The final lesson. What have we learned.(2 hours) . Making an exhibition of student work.
2 year of study (68 hours)
Introductory lesson. What do we know about origami. (1 hour)
Repeating the basics of origami.
We repeat simple basic forms. (2 hours)
Repetition of conventional signs adopted in origami, and the basic methods of folding. Repetition of the studied basic forms.
Holiday napkins. Lily. Cock tail. Water lily. (6 o'clock)
Origami on the festive table.
Workshops: folding napkins.
Complex basic forms (5 hours)
Learning new basic forms. Work with instruction cards and diagrams. Folding products based on these shapes.
The basic form of "Bird". Crane (3 hours)
Workshops: folding products of the basic form "Bird"
The basic form is "Frog." Inflatable frog Bell. (5 o'clock)
Workshops: folding products of the basic frog shape
The basic shape is "Pentagon". Cyclamen. (6 o'clock)
Workshops: folding products of the basic "Pentagon" shape. Design composition.
The basic shape is Hexagon. Bindweed. (5 o'clock)
Workshops: folding products of the basic form "Hexagon". Design composition.
The basic form is an "equilateral triangle." Irises. Lily. (6 o'clock)
Workshops: folding products of the basic form "equilateral triangle". Design composition.
Origam mosaic. Parrot. (3 hours)
Workshops: folding products of the basic pancake form. Mosaic. Teamwork. Design composition.
Origami from circles (3 hours)
Workshops: folding items using origami technique from circles. Design composition.
Kusudamy. (1 hour)
Acquaintance with Kusudam. The story of the creation of kusudam Showing ready to bite. Folding techniques.
Classical Kusudama (4 hours)
Workshops: folding modules of classical kusudama. Making Kusudama.
Flower Kusudama. (5 o'clock)
Workshops: folding modules of flower kusudama. Making Kusudama. Bouquet of flower kusudama.
Kusudama "Lily" (6 hours)
Workshops: folding modules Lusia kusudama. Making Kusudama. Bouquet of lilies.
Kusudama "Curl" (5 hours)
Workshops: folding modules kusudama "Curl". Making Kusudama.
The final lesson. Exhibition-presentation of student work. (1 hour)
3 year of study (68 hours)
Introductory lesson. Modular origami. Presentation. (1 hour)
The basis of the "triangle". (3 hours)
Workshops: learning to make a triangle module
Cooking modules "triangle" (3 hours)
Workshops: blank modules for products
A pineapple. (6 o'clock)
Workshops: pineapple from the modules.
Orange. (4 hours)
Workshops: orange from the modules.
Fungus. (4 hours)
Workshops: fungus from the modules. Composition "Mushroom glade"
Lemon. (4 hours)
Workshops: lemon from modules
Strawberry. (4 hours)
Workshops: Strawberry made from modules.
Team work "Tea set" (5 o'clock)
Workshops: making tea service. Table setting in the style of "origami"
Butterfly. (3 hours)
Workshops: butterfly made of modules.
Teamwork "Cake" (5 o'clock)
Workshops: modular cake. Design composition.
Cactus. (4 hours)
Workshops: cactus from the modules.
Blooming cactus (3 hours)
Workshops: making cactus, flowers from modules. Design composition.
Dragonflies. (4 hours)
Workshops: dragonfly from modules. Composition "Summer meadow".
Tulips (4 hours)
Workshops: tulip from the modules. Composition "Spring Bouquet".
Chickens. (5 o'clock)
Workshops: chickens from the modules.
Swan (5 o'clock)
Workshops: swan made of modules.
Snowdrops. (4 hours)
Workshops: manufacturing of the Trefoil module. Snowdrops.
Exhibition of student work. (1 hour)
4 year of study (68 hours)
Introductory lesson. Modular origami. The basis of the "triangle". Presentation. (1 hour)
Repetition of Modular Origami
We are preparing the modules "triangle". (3 hours)
Workshops: blank modules for products.
Vase. (5 o'clock)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Teamwork "Samovar". (5 o'clock)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Goby. (4 hours)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Little dragon. (5 o'clock)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Red Chinese dragons (4 hours)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Pink elephant (5 hours)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Teamwork "Rainbow Swan" (5 hours)
Workshops: procurement of multi-colored modules, product manufacturing
Daisies (3 hours)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Herringbone. (3 hours)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Teamwork "Snowman". (3 hours)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Santa Claus (3 hours)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Snow Maiden. (3 hours)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Water lily. (5 o'clock)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Basket. (5 o'clock)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Peacock. (5 o'clock)
Workshops: product manufacturing
Exhibition of student work. (1 hour)
Diagnostics of training.
I. Knowledge of basic geometric concepts and basic forms of origami
1 year of study - the ability to make a square from a rectangular sheet of paper (2 ways).
2 year of study - the ability to make the simplest basic forms of origami: "triangle", "kite", "envelope".
3 year of study - the ability to make basic forms: "double triangle", "double square", "house", "door", "fish".
4 year of study - the ability to make complex basic forms: "catamaran", "bird", "frog".
II. Ability to follow verbal instructions, read and sketch product diagrams; create origami products using instruction cards and diagrams.
1 year of study - the ability to make a product, following the teacher's show and listening to oral explanations.
2 year of study - the ability to make a product according to the instruction card.
3 year of study - the ability to make a simple product according to the scheme.
4 year of study - the ability to sketch the assembly diagram of a simple product.
High level - do it yourself
Intermediate level - does with the help of a teacher or comrades,
Low - can't do it.
III. The development of fine motor skills of the hands and eye
1 year of study - the ability to cut geometric shapes: square, triangle, circle.
2 year of study - the ability to cut out figures: circle, triangle, star.
3 year of study - the ability to cut complex shapes: star, flower, maple leaf.
4 year of study - the ability to cut complex shapes: star, flower, maple leaf along the inner contour.
High level - almost complete coincidence of the cut contour with the outlined lines;
Medium level - there are slight deviations from the contour (several millimeters) on one side of the sample;
Low level - significant deviations from the intended circuit both in one direction and in the other direction.
IV. Creating compositions with products made in the origami technique; development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination; creative approach to the work.
High level - the work is distinguished by a pronounced personality;
Intermediate level - the work is performed according to the model, correspond to the general level of the group
Low level - work performed at an insufficient level.
Note: during introductory diagnostics (at the beginning of each school year)
this parameter is not evaluated.
V. Formation of work culture and improvement of labor skills
Skills evaluated:
organization of your workplace,
rational use of necessary materials, accuracy of work.
Afonkin S.Yu. Origami lessons at school and at home. An experimental textbook for elementary school. M, "Akim", 1995
Afonkin S.Yu., Afonkina E.Yu. Toys made of paper. St. Petersburg, Litera, 1997
Afonkin S.Yu., Afonkina E.Yu. Blooming Origami Garden. St. Petersburg, Chemistry, 1995
Afonkin S.Yu., Afonkina E.Yu. Origami flowers and vases. St. Petersburg, Crystal, 2002
Bogateeva Z.A. Wonderful paper crafts. M, "Enlightenment", 1992
Dolzhenko G.I. 100 origami. Yaroslavl, "Development Academy", 1999
Pudova V.P., Lezhneva L.V. Legends of flowers. Appendix to the journal Origami, M, Akim, 1998
Tarabarina T.I. Origami and child development. Yaroslavl, "Development Academy", 1996
Toys made of paper. About 100 models simple and complex for children and adults. St. Petersburg, Delta, 1996
All About Origami S.yu.afonkin E.yu Afonkina
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