How to Make Origami Lucky Stars Instruction

Lady Rain works as a daytime stock trader and writes about crafts and travels. She spends her weekends doing papercraft models and painting.


Origami is a traditional art of folding paper, which started centuries ago in Japan, China, and some European countries. Flat pieces of paper are folded and constructed into interesting paper models without the use of a pair of scissors or glue. Many origami designs have evolved into modern art forms and deviated from the original usage of a piece of square paper. People are now using paper of different shapes and sizes for origami and other Japanese paper folding crafts.

Paper Strip Folding

The most popular paper strip origami is probably making lucky stars. The lucky star is also known as a dream star, wishing star or origami star. It is easy and quick to make. Making these lucky stars can become addictive too. You can even make them while watching TV or while waiting for your friends.

Papers of different colours cut into strips are used to construct lucky stars of different sizes. These colourful little origami creations look stunning when placed in a glass bottle or bowl for display.

This is a great activity for both adults and children who like paper folding. They will be occupied with hours of fun making the lucky stars. The stars, when threaded together like beads, can be made into a necklace, garland, earrings or a curtain of lucky star beads.

Getting Started

Here are the steps on how to make stars out of paper strips. You will need some colourful origami paper; they are available in some craft stores or Japanese products stores. They are also available online from Amazon or eBay.

However, if you cannot wait to get started on this activity with the kids, you can make your own paper strips by using any A4 sized coloured paper, construction paper or wrapping paper. You can choose different themes for your lucky stars, like autumn colours or Christmas colours.

How to Make Lucky Stars

Cut the paper into strips. As a beginner, you can start with 1.3 centimetres in width and 30 centimetres in length. The narrower the strip of paper, the smaller the star will be.

Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Make a Lucky Star

Cut out a strip of paper 1.3 cm wide and 30 cm long.

Cut out a strip of paper 1.3 cm wide and 30 cm long.

Take one end of the paper and tie into a loose knot. Gently tighten the knot so that it looks like a flat pentagon.

Get hold of the other long end of the strip and wrap it around the pentagon tightly. Align the edge of the strip to the side of the pentagon and fold the strip to the other side.

Keep wrapping around until a short strip remains. Tuck the remaining part of the strip in between layers of the paper on the pentagon to secure the strip and finish off.

Hold the pentagon between your thumb and index finger. With your other hand, push in the sides of the pentagon towards the centre. You might have to use your fingernail to push in the sides if necessary.

When all the sides are pushed in, the pentagon should look like a three-dimensional star.


© 2011 lady rain

lady rain (author) from Australia on August 16, 2012:

snerfu, thank you for your lovely comment :)

Vivian Sudhir from Madurai, India on August 16, 2012:

That is so amazing! Thanks for the advice. Keep writing more. All the best.

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lady rain (author) from Australia on March 25, 2012:

louromano, thanks! I'm glad you like my hub.

louromano on March 25, 2012:

Beautiful hub. Nice post.

lady rain (author) from Australia on January 29, 2012:

natures47friend, lucky stars are easier to make than most origami models but they are fun and use less paper too. Thank you for visiting my hub and voting :)

natures47friend from Sunny Art Deco Napier, New Zealand. on January 29, 2012:

Cool idea. My daughter has origami books and paper, but I never realised you could use strips of paper. Up and useful!

lady rain (author) from Australia on December 26, 2011:

cabmgmnt, thanks for stopping by. Now you and your daughter can learn to make your own lucky stars, too. Have a great day.

Corey from Northfield, MA on December 26, 2011:

Nice hub and easy to follow instructions. A friend made my daughter a jar full of wishing stars and she loved them!

lady rain (author) from Australia on December 14, 2011:

Tina, I am glad you like this tutorial. I am sure you will have no problem making the lucky stars. Thank you for leaving comment. Cheers.

Christina Lornemark from Sweden on December 14, 2011:

Thank you for this tutorial in easy steps. It is so well explained. Awesome hub,


lady rain (author) from Australia on December 01, 2011:

Thanks randomcreative. Have a good weekend. Cheers.

Rose Clearfield from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on December 01, 2011:

Awesome tutorial! Thanks for sharing.

lady rain (author) from Australia on December 01, 2011:

caramellatte, I am sure you will have no problem making the lucky stars this time. Good luck and thank you for leaving a comment.

Taleb80, thank you for stopping by to read my hub. Cheers.

Taleb AlDris on December 01, 2011:

Very Nice.

Thanks for sharing.

caramellatte on December 01, 2011:

I like this hub. I always wanted to know how to make these stars. Somebody tried to show me when I was little but I forgot.

lady rain (author) from Australia on December 01, 2011:

sarovai, yes, the lucky stars are very easy to make. I am sure you will enjoy making them. Thank you for stopping by. Cheers :)

lady rain (author) from Australia on December 01, 2011:

Thelma, thank you for reading my hub and leaving comment. I hope you have a lovely day, too. Cheers from lady rain.

Ania, I took several pictures but they did not look very impressive so I decided to use the mirror to reflect more light to the other side :) Thank you for stopping by and leaving comment.

sarovai on December 01, 2011:

Wow ! easy to make origami lucky stars. Very well explained in a simple way. Thank u for sharing.

Ania L from United Kingdom on December 01, 2011:

Excellent picture, thank to the mirror, the stars can be seen from all sides and they are beautiful in all those colors :)

When I was a child I used to make stars (different than yours) from computer paper tapes.

Thelma Alberts from Germany on November 30, 2011:

I love making Origami. Thanks for sharing and giving tips. Voted up. Have a nice day.

lady rain (author) from Australia on November 30, 2011:

ytsenoh, I am glad you like origami and I am sure you will have lots of fun making lucky stars this weekend. Thank you for stopping by and leaving comment.

Cathy from Louisiana, Idaho, Kauai, Nebraska, South Dakota, Missouri on November 30, 2011:

lady rain, absolutely fabulous! Thanks so much. We are origami fans, so this will be fun to try over the weekend! Thumbs up, indeed! Thank you.

lady rain (author) from Australia on November 30, 2011:

melbel, it is a great idea to use the lucky stars as Christmas tree ornaments. You might want to make them a little bigger with leftover Christmas gift wrappers.

Thank you for taking the time to leave comments. Cheers.

Melanie Palen from Midwest, USA on November 30, 2011:

This would be a great way to make affordable Christmas tree ornaments! Awesome hub, rated up and useful, and liked on Facebook! I'm going to have to dig around for leftover craft paper and make a few of these.

Your instructions are really easy to follow, so I bet I could get a halfway decent-looking one made. (I'm not so great at crafts, lol.) :P

lady rain (author) from Australia on November 30, 2011:

rochelj, the kids will enjoy making the colourful stars which they can bring home after the party. Thank you for stopping by and leaving comment.

rochelj from USA on November 30, 2011:

This is a great idea for a kids party or school project.

lady rain (author) from Australia on November 30, 2011:

RTalloni, I am sure you will have lots of fun making the lucky stars. Thank you for commenting and voting. Cheers.

RTalloni on November 30, 2011:

Love origami, and will enjoy this project very much! I'm seeing many uses--thanks! Voted up!

How to Make Origami Lucky Stars Instruction


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